An­tiad­he­si­ve thin coa­tings in po­ly­mer pro­ces­sing

The understanding and the field of anti-fouling coatings/ anti-adhesive film chemistry is complex and deal with advanced experimental tracking of adsorption and desorption processes. Within this scientific topic the investigation of polymer/metal oxide interface processes by controlling the surface chemistry and morphology of industry-relevant stainless steel surfaces is placed. Initial and ongoing film formation are analyzed by different analytical surface methods.

Moreover, we are applying force spectroscopy by means of single molecular force spectroscopy (SMFS) based on atomic force microscopy (AFM) to gain a deeper understanding of the molecular desorption events to finally hinder adsorption of macromolecules. The scientific strategy deals with the deposition of various thin films. For instance, low surface energy (hydrophobic) coatings based on perfluorinated molecules combined with zirconium oxide species, hydrophobic polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) or well-defined hydrophilic inorganic coatings are investigated and tested under process-relevant parameters.